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item # K20A15

RARE Pra Somdej Gru Wat Khlang Klong Khoi, Pim Pra Prataan, Nua Pong. A Buddha amulet with figure of the Temple Principle Buddha Statue, made from mainly holy powder blended with Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of holy powder) of Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakhang, blended with holy water and tabby made from seashells. The legend has it that Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh Phrommarangsi (Somdej Toh) was on his pilgrimage to Wat Khlang Klong Khoi in BE 2375 (CE 1832), and stayed there for years, and made this Batch of amulets. This Batch of amulets was discovered hidden in the area of Wat Khlang Klong Khoi, Ratchaburi Provnce in BE 2490 (CE 1947), BE 2500 (CE 1957), and BE 2516 (CE 1973).


BEST FOR: Má-laeng wan mai dai gin lêuuat in Thai means flies never land on your blood which refers to one who wears amulet made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh his/her drops of blood will never be falling to the ground.“You will NEVER die screaming” Thai people believe that “One will never die screaming and one will die without any suffering at end of life if one is wearing an amulet made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh.” This amulet brings endless food with wealth & prosperity. Anything you wish for, and it could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.


The Batch of Pra Somdej Gru Wat Klang Khlong Khoi

Wat Klang Khlong Khoi, Photharam, Ratchaburi Province on the Mae Klong River Bank was built in the late Kingdom of Ayutthaya (BE 2231 to BE 2310, CE 1688 to CE 1767). The legend has it that in the year BE 2375 (CE 1832), Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh or Toh Phrommarangsi (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415) of Wat Rakhang, Bangkok was on his pilgrimage, and stayed there for practicing Vipassana Meditation for years. It is believed that where Somdej Toh stayed, Somdej Toh would built a “Pra Pang Um Baat”, a standing Buddha statue holding an alms bowl, it was a Buddha gesture of the day Somdej Toh was born, the Wednesday night. The Batch of Pra Somdej Gru Wat Klang Khlong Khoi was first discovered buried under the ground behind Luang Phor Toh Standing Buddha Statue in BE 2490 (CE 1947), and later found buried under the Bodhi Tree, and behind the temple building in BE 2500 (CE 1957), and BE 2016 (CE 1973) hidden at the old temple building of Wat Klang Khlong Khoi. And the materials and the styles of the amulets found are similar to Pra Somdej Wat Rakhang, and Pra Somdej Bang Khun Phrom Buddha amulets made by Somdej Toh.


Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of Holy Powder)

A Pra Somdej amulet MUST contain Pong Viset Ha Pragaan (5 kinds of Holy Powder), and the Pong Viset Ha Pragaan is the COMPONENTS of the following 18 sacred materials:-

1)Din Sor Pong, marly limestone powder.

2)Poon Pleuak hoi, tabby is a type of concrete made by burning oyster shells to create lime, then mixing it with water, sand, ash and broken oyster shells.

3)Din Jet Phong, earth taken from 7 forests where deposit of salts and other minerals are. A mineral lick (also known as a salt lick) is a place where animals can go to lick essential mineral nutrients from a deposit of salts and other minerals. Din Jet Phong is believed to have the force of temptation and distraction.

4)Din Jet Ta, earth taken from 7 bus/boat/railways destination terminals. Thais believe that these areas filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one their love one to come homes.

5)Din Lak Muang Jet Lak, earth taken from 7 Holy City Pillars at Holy Pillar Shrines in Thailand that guarded by angels and devas. City Pillars are believed to accumulate the power/energy of protection, prosperity and abundance.

6)Kee Thoop Sai Tain Bucha Pra, joss stick ashes, and candle wicks after offering to Holy Buddha Statues.

7)Dok Galong, powder crushed from sundried snowy orchid tree flowers. The snowy orchid tree flower is believed to have the force of passion.

8)Yod Sawas, powder crushed from sundried young leaves of Guilandina bonduc, commonly known as grey nicker, nicker bean, fever nut or knicker nut. Yod Sawas is believed to have the force of passion and temptation.

9)Yod Ruck Son, powder crushed from sundried double crown flowers. Yod Ruck Son is believed to have the force of love and care.

10)Kee Klai Say-ma, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from important temple boundary marking stones. Kee Klai Say-ma is believed to accumulate energy of guarding angles.

11)Kee Klai Pratuu Wang, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from gates of the ancient Royal Palaces. Kee Klai Pratuu Wang is believed to accumulate energy of guarding angles.

12)Kee Klai Sao Ta-lung Chang-peuuak, powder crushed from stains, sundried mosses and lichens taken from Royal white elephant hitching Posts. Kee Klai Sao Ta-lung Chang-peuuak is believed to accumulate energy of Devas.

13)Ton Rat-cha-preuk, saw dust of Golden Shower Tree is believed to have force of auspicious omens.

14)Ton Chaiya Preuk, saw dust of Cassia javanica Tree, also known as Java cassia, pink shower, apple blossom tree and rainbow shower tree,  is believed to have force of auspicious omens.

15)Phu Ruam Jai, powder crushed from sundried Betel Vine leaves, those leaves were taken from engagement tray presented during a wedding ceremony to the bride’s parents. Phu Ruam Jai is believed to have power of family unity, support, relationship and happiness.

16)Phu Song Hang, powder crushed from sundried Wild Betel leaves that have double tips. Phu Song Hang is believed to have power of Metta Maha Niyom (gaining loving, caring, kindness and compassion from people all around).

17)Bor Nam Jet Ros, water taken from 7 wells, and water in each well has a taste and not all 7 wells taste the same. Taste is subjective and influenced by the water source, and minerals in them. Bor Nam Jet Ros is believed to have power of Pra Mae Kongka, the mythical Goddess of Water and Rivers.

18)Din Sor Viset or Sila Thikhun, powder of calcite stone, calcite is believed having the ability to amplify and cleanse energy, as well as clear and balance the chakras. It can also absorb and transform negative energy. Calcite is a crystal that calms the mind and enhances mental clarity, and it also connects the emotions with the intellect.

THE FIRST PROCESS (Sang Pong / the preparation of holy materials)

After 18 materials are crushed in fine powder, and then added holy powder, water from 7 wells, and plaster cement as binder. The resultant putty was then rolled into cylinders or slender sticks and dried. During the mixing process of these holy materials, the rituals were performed, the offerings were presented to Buddha, Holy Guru Monks, Devas, Masters (teachers), and holy spirits. The ceremonies were held in the temple buildings in front of the Principle Buddha Statue, and monks were saying sermons to invite Buddha, Holy Guru Monks, Devas, Masters (teachers), and holy spirits to bless on the holy powders. And the ritual of spirit possession is performed, a monk who roll the putty into cylinders or slender sticks his body will be controlled by holy spirits, ghosts of departed master or guru monk or devas.

THE SECOND PROCESS (Kiang Pong Lop Pong / drawing formulas of holy cabalistic writings, and then erase them).

After the sticks of powder are dried, then process of making Pong Viset Ha Pragaan begins. The monk will draw formulas of holy cabalistic writings on a chalkboard made of a sheet of mudstone. The formulas are written accordingly to the ancient scriptures, and while drawing them, the monk must say sermons and prayers to invite the power of Buddha, Devas, and holy ghosts of departed master or guru monk to accumulate their power in the molecule of the powder. At the end of each writing, monk will then erase the formulas of cabalistic writings, and keep the chalk dust in a container for further making Buddha amulets.

The Pong Viset Ha Pragaan must be made orderly, beginning with 1)Pong Pattamang, 2)Pong Itthijay, 3)Pong Maharaj, 4)Pong Buddhakhun, and 5)Pong Tri Nisinghe.

The first holy powder or the precursor to make Pong Viset Ha Pragaan is Pong Pattamang Holy Powder by drawing the formulas of Pattamang cabalistic writings with sermons and prayers. After the completion of Pong Pattamang Holy Powder, it will be divided into 2 parts, one as “Pong Pattamang”, and another one is for making of the next Pong Itthijay Holy Powder. Then returning to the first process of making the chalk sticks and then follow the second process to drawn Itthijay cabalistic writings with sermons and prayers, and keep repeating the processes for the next 3 holy powders.

THE POWER OF PONG VISET HA PRAGAAN (5 kinds of Holy Powders)

1)Pong Pattamang Holy Powder is believed to have magic power of Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Kambang Longhon Hai-tua (it makes you invisible in the eyes of the enemies), and Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals).

2)Pong Itthijay Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Pattamang believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), and curing and preventing all diseases.

3)Pong Maharaj Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Itthijay believed to have magic power of Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), and Ponggan Kunsai Mondam (it keeps you away from bad spell, curse and black magic).

4)Pong Buddhakhun Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Maharaj believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Kambang Longhon Hai-tua (it makes you invisible in the eyes of the enemies), and Sador (it helps unlock all bad spells, and lift the curses).

5)Pong Tri Nisinghe Holy Powder, it was made from Pong Buddhakhun believed to have magic power of Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals). Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), and curing and preventing all diseases.

WRITTEN BY HADES CHAN / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / h a d e s c h a n H K


Pra Long Gru or Pra Gru

Pra “Long Gru” or “Pra Gru”  means amulet that was stored in the chamber of a chedi/stupa or in a container buried under the ground for many of years, and later found by someone.

According to the prophecy in Pali Canon that Buddha’s Dispensation (Buddhism), and Dharma (Buddha’s teaching) would exist and follow 5,000 years after the Buddha passed away or entered nirvana. The “Long Gru” is a Thai traditional practice to preserve Buddha amulets with figure of Buddha in them in the case that after the decline of indigenous religious practices of Buddhism, the future generations would learn that Buddhism ever to have existed on earth.

The Pra Long Gru, Thais believe that after long period of time that the Buddha amulets were kept, the power that was accumulated in each and every amulet would break apart the chamber (in Thai called Gru Takk) that amulets were hidden.



Somdej Toh (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415), known formally as Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh (Toh Phrommarangsi), was one of the most famous Buddhist monks during Thailand’s Rattanakosin Period and continues to be the most widely known monk in Thailand. He is widely revered in Thailand as a monk who is said that he possessed magical powers and his amulets are widely sought after. His images and statues are some of the most widespread religious icons in Bangkok.


Somdej Toh was born in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, it was believed that he was an illegitimate son of King Rama II. He studied the Buddhist scriptures of the Pāli Canon with several Buddhist masters. After becoming a well-known monk, he became the preceptor for Prince Mongkut, later King Rama IV, when Mongkut became a monk. During Rama IV’s reign Somdej Toh was given the ceremonial name Somdej Pra Buddhachan (Toh Phrommarangsi), the Buddhachan means teacher of Buddhism, given by the King and used to be one of his trusted advisers, having left a lot of teaching stories around him and the King.

He was noted for the skill of his preaching and his use of Thai poetry to reflect the beauty of Buddhism, and for making amulets called Pra Somdej. The amulets were blessed by himself and other respected monks in Thailand. He also appears in many versions of the story of the ghost Mae Nak Phra Khanong, and he is said to be the one to finally subdue her. Somdej Toh also wrote the Pra Khata Chinnabanchon, a protective magical sermon which is widely chant and use among Thais.


DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 2.40 cm wide / 0.50 cm thick


item # K20A15

Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us


Item location: Hong Kong, SAR

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